About Artist Haley Sellmeyer

I'm 13 years old and I LOVE to paint and create art. I've been painting and creating different types of art since I was one! I was born two months premature and my mom was trying to find things to stimulate my brain. Art happened to be one of those things and its just been a progression from there! I started finger painting, then I began painting on an easel with water based paint when I was two. At age four I starting painting with acrylic on canvas and when I was six I started painting with oils! Now I paint with oils, acrylic, mixed media, watercolors, Unicorn SPiT and draw.
"Art for the Residents" Learn More...
Designer Face Masks with My Artwork- Click HERE
Click to view my Gallery and Sign up for my Artwork Newsletter!!
Be sure to check out Haley's Holiday Artshow!
I'm an affiliate of the Unicorn SPiT Company!! Click HERE to learn more!
My Why
“Painting is my passion. It’s fun and my art makes me happy and it makes other people happy. My art represents Happiness and Peace. I find inspiration in my environment and what makes me happy everyday. I love to create art for myself, other people, shows and charities because it makes me happy and it's my way of giving back."
My Approach
I approach art with a fun, creative perspective to create art for myself and other people to enjoy. My goals are to have fun, have people all over the WORLD see my artwork, raise money for charities and to show other kids and adults that if I can paint and have fun they can too!!!
During Covid-19 I'm engaging in an Act of Kindness with my "Art for the Residence" program. Learn more HERE
I'm also spreading kindness with my "Thank you for Being Kind" program. Learn more HERE
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